Vide Geiger
Musician, disc golfer, father, political leader...
and becomer of new versions of me with the help of you.

Varje Steg Vi Tar
När de sista träden har bränts ned
Och när vattnet är för skämt
Vart skall vi då ta vägen min vän
När vår jord har blivit sägen
För vi går runt och tror att glädje är ett ekorrhjul
Tills vi ligger där och kan inte komma ur en klausul
Varje steg vi tar här är så mycket mer än ett kliv
Vi trampar på vår jord och springer efter ett rikt liv
Expressions of wordless emotion. Dancing fingers on strings.
Stories of the unspoken, yet to come. We are one and all, together.
Disc Golf
That swooshing sound, followed by the rattling of chains... that's bliss.
My first throw was back in 2003, at a short run-down course in Härnösand. We were bored, and a friend suggested disc golf.
A few holes in, and I thought it was the pits, but once the round was complete, I wanted another, and then we started a club and built a real course.
Since then, I've competed at the World Championships (Kansas), become a licensed instructor, designed and helped build disc golf courses,
and founded, connecting instructors with disc golfers.
Disc Golf Coach

As a licensed instructor, I have coached disc golfers since 2006, taught the public at the openings of new courses, and held company team-building events.
In 2024, I founded, a service that connects instructors with disc golfers who want to improve their game. Now, I teach disc golf part-time.
Community Building and Politics
We are not just individuals living side by side and not only interlinked separate beings. We are creators of the vibrant spaces between us where relational development happens.
In each and every moment we smash our differences together in splendid contrast, we spark development, becoming new versions of ourselves.
That's where we grow. That's how society evolves.
Enhet (Unity)
I am a spokesperson for the Swedish political party Enhet (Unity).